Monday, December 12, 2016


1.The strongest part of my project would be my drawing because i think it stands out.
2. the only part of my work that could be worked on would have to be the picture quality.
3. The easiest part of this project had to be putting the pictures together.
4.The most difficult part of this project would have to be picking out what pictures i wanted to use or the image i wanted to draw.
5. The tools i used in this project was the crop tool to crop my pictures, blend tool, magic wand tool, wrap tool,dodge tool, burn tool, and the blur tool
6.My goal of this project was to create a image that looks like this person has a real tattoo.
7.If i could do this project again i don't think i would do anything differently. 

Friday, December 2, 2016


1. The strongest part of my piece was the blending because all of my pictures are all in one piece together. 
2. The area of my work i would like to improve would be the size of the images because i feel like there too small.
3. The easiest part of my work had to be picking out my pictures because the pictures resembles me 
4. The most difficult part of my piece was figuring out how to put all the pictures together and see how they would look good together
5.I used the mask layers, move tool, blend tool, Paint brush and crop tool to create my piece.
6.My goal for this project was to create something that represents me
7. If i could do this art project again i don't think i would like to change anything